June 2015 Newsletter

The Mahone Bay Museum

In 2014, the museum received a Strategic Development Initiative grant from the Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage. This grant allowed the museum to hire a professional to develop a formal interpretive plan and oversee a rebranding initiative.

The museum facilitated three community consultations in January, 2015 and asked local residents to identify which local stories and subjects are important to the community. A formal interpretive plan was developed based on the information gathered from these consultations and the findings of a community engagement initiative in 2011.

In order to be representative of many community stories, the museum’s name will now be the Mahone Bay Museum.


. This new name is intended to represent the museum’s primary purpose of preserving and sharing the many stories, past and present, of Mahone Bay and area.

Download a PDF version of the Community Discussions Summary

Download a PDF version of the Mahone Bay Museum Interpretive Plan

Community Consultations