Hours & Location

Location: 578 Main Street, Mahone Bay, NS
Mailing Address: PO Box 583, Mahone Bay, NS  B0J 2E0

As of August 25th to October 13th, we will have limited Fall hours of operation depending on volunteer availability. We hope to be open Thursday to Sunday from 11am to 3pm. If you are planning your visit, you can call ahead to ensure we will be open: 902-624-6263

Parking is available on Main Street in front of the Museum.

Accessibility is an issue for this historical property. We provide a ramp at our back door that allows for most wheelchairs and people who struggle with the stairs at our front entrance to enter the museum. However, some of our doorways are very small in other parts of the museum and this limits access for many wheelchairs. Interpreter staff are happy to inform you about the information in these limited areas. We apologize for the inconvenience.